Sunday 2 March 2014


Assalamualaikum….TEST 2 already ended…Masya- Allah  TEECH…so beautiful article you gave to me and classmates to find fallacies…gugur rambut n garu2 kpala yg xgatal mencari fallacies tercinta…waa….with a perfect in grammar writing…whatever it is..thanks TEECH because you allowed us to getting help from other person.. to checking our grammar…huhu…and counter-balance…alahai…your article is SUPERB man… it is hard to find bad impact…because I think the article is perfect…already had counter-balance…perhaps..huhu.. I’m always pray to ALLAH may ALLAH give you soft heart to give a best marks for all the things..hehehe….. about TEST 3? Hurm… I have no idea to say… I can see clearly that TEST 3 is a difficult task.. I need to improve communication skills in English  and squeeze the brain to asking a bombastic question as a reporter and relevant answer as a presenter during press conference held.

- QILA -

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