Thursday 13 March 2014

Con te partirò

Con te partirò, time to say goodbye. So, the time has come for us to say goodbye to Teech. Master Teech. After 14 weeks of ups and downs, happy, sad and a lot more moments for sure Teech had thought me a lot of lessons, knowledge and skills both in life and academics. Things that no one had the desire to teach me. No one no other but you Teech. While I'm writing this, currently there's too much emotions right now. One thing for sure is I'll definitely miss you. The way you talk, the way you explain things, your gestures when you try to clarify something up, the way you handle things when something goes wrong. Gosh! Not to mention your shiny head. *sigh Right now I'm so numb. I really don't know what to write. Running out of ideas. I'm just waiting as the clock goes ticking. I am waiting as the time goes by. I normally wouldn't say this but I just can't contain it. You're probably the best lecturer I've ever or will have. Its sad that time will be the thing that will keep us apart. Distance. I'm feeling so small, know nothing at all. I will stumble and fall but I'm still desperate to gain more knowledge even if I have to start by crawling back. The experience of the press conference was my first experience ever in handling such a havoc crowd. The way you made us learn to work under pressure, the way you left us with no clue on what to do made us learn to be more independent. People might see you as a cruel lecturer but in other way it was actually part of learning to be a professional. I hope we will meet again in the future. If Allah wills it. Till then...

All hail #belHELL


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