Sunday 2 March 2014


Assalamualaikum.. Hye.. First of all I’m very grateful because ‘WORLDHELL’ already passed!! Syukran..alhamdulillah… honestly, I never had this experience before…so crazy to fight each other.. Shout here shout there. Everyone is just like crazy and too aggressive like being possessed..ahaks… the incident is really scary TEECH. Actually, I’m really not comfortable by facing that kind of situation. It is a horrible situation sampai terbawak dalam mimpi. Many times I had a dream about BELHELL.  But I believe you know better what you did, right TEECH? My performance…hmm…I’m do my best…I did research all about Brachiosaurus but when the question come out.. I’m try my best to answer it but my weakness in speaking skills is poor..i can’t to interpret the issue..I’m so sorry for all members if I’m conquering the floor.  And as a reporter..hahaa…hmm... whatever it is.. I’m had try my best and tawakal.. redha dgn keputusan yg bakal dikecapi. :’)

- QILA -

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