Thursday 13 March 2014


Assalamualaikum..Alhamdulillah we were given an opportunity to breathe and still have the nature to do our daily work..time passes quickly and tomorrow is the end of  BELHELL for this semester..TEECH, thanks for giving me a great experience...your style by teaching us..task..and even press conference...everything is new for me..yahh..selagi masih bernafas..tidak akan ku lupa sejarah BELHELL ini... (ayat....perghh).

Thank you very much TEECH for all your kindness.. Thanks for sharing the knowledges..yah..even it is a part of your responsibility as a lecturer but i can see that you wanna the best for your students. Tomorrow we will see again..but not for the last time TEECH. CON TE PARTIRO or TIME TO SAY GOODBYE..GOODBYE specific to what?? Is it to this CORE SUBJECT?yah...of course!! But for the future...INSYA ALLAH we would meet again...tiada istilah selamat tinggal dalam kamus hidup manusia..except DEAD..kerna ditakdirkan suatu hari nanti pasti akan bertemu jua..sampai masa nanti…Insya Allah.. take care yourself TEECH.. when you walk..tengok jalan sekali…taw..ya lah kan… many insects are around the world. and….Amphibians…perhaps.. FROG!!!..hahhaa…omey pulak bile terlompat-lompat jerit2…hahahahaha…olo tomey-tomey…haha..till we meet again.. INSYA ALLAH.. 
( ^_^)


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