Sunday 5 January 2014

Test 1, WTH?

Assalamualaikum..  I’m back again.. on Thursday 12/12/2013 , the first assignment a.k.a  TEST 1 is given to me and the classmates by our lovely…….TEECH. again ya… TEST…TEST..TEST….but with a partner..hehe..we are given two weeks (actually in our mid sem  break+ new year)  to prepare the TEST and the deadline is on Monday..6/1/2014.. but.. we have a short lectures and exercise about how to prepare the task cause of lack of time and we had a program  to attend on Friday. Nevermind …Insya Allah we can do it. J

Back to the test..ahaa..First thing to do is we have to bring the magazine and find a suitable article. Then join with a partner to find CC + OO and CC +SR. So what we should do to prepare the task with a partner?? For me, I and my partner choose to  SKYPE..yuhu..ingat aweks pakweks je kew leh skype..melepaskn rindu..euww.. friend also can what…….

What about the result?? I hope for this TEST, will get a good score.. I and my partner was doing the best for this test and if we couldn’t get what we hope..nevermind…we will know the mistakes and the weakness we are. It can be improved on the other test and in the future.. :)

- QILA -

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