Sunday 5 January 2014

Me, after one month in belHELL!

Assalamualaikum..hi everyone! I would like to wish Happy New Year! Welcome 2014!!May Allah bless us and have a good healthy…happiness and success.

Hmm..  actually I’m not realize that time is move faster and now actually I have been 1 month in belHell! It might be cause of surroundings during the class is joyfully and funny… lots of activities… and having ‘JOGET SANA SINI’ in the mornings before the lectures start. Yuhuu… all of us shows our skills (bakat terpendam dalam diam) ngehngeh… so far  Alhamdulillah I can go  through.. many new things I learned throughout belHELL..I learned how to be a thinker . Now, I realize that the main point in THINKING is KNOWLEDGE…thanks teech .ahh.. suddenly I remembered my first ‘TEST’ (ye ke..) score….waaaaa……  end of this story for today… daa..  :’(… :)
- QILA -

Test 1, WTH?

Assalamualaikum..  I’m back again.. on Thursday 12/12/2013 , the first assignment a.k.a  TEST 1 is given to me and the classmates by our lovely…….TEECH. again ya… TEST…TEST..TEST….but with a partner..hehe..we are given two weeks (actually in our mid sem  break+ new year)  to prepare the TEST and the deadline is on Monday..6/1/2014.. but.. we have a short lectures and exercise about how to prepare the task cause of lack of time and we had a program  to attend on Friday. Nevermind …Insya Allah we can do it. J

Back to the test..ahaa..First thing to do is we have to bring the magazine and find a suitable article. Then join with a partner to find CC + OO and CC +SR. So what we should do to prepare the task with a partner?? For me, I and my partner choose to  SKYPE..yuhu..ingat aweks pakweks je kew leh skype..melepaskn rindu..euww.. friend also can what…….

What about the result?? I hope for this TEST, will get a good score.. I and my partner was doing the best for this test and if we couldn’t get what we hope..nevermind…we will know the mistakes and the weakness we are. It can be improved on the other test and in the future.. :)

- QILA -

Test 1, WTH??

Yo!! Opps Assalamualaikum, Ika here again *bored* I want to express my feeling about test 1. What the hell is this?? I feel like want to punch someone.. Em maybe I want to punch you Teech. Ahahaha. You give such a difficult assignment. Like a holiday in the Hell. This is totally use my brain to work. Thank to you Teech because i might think i'm genius already. Haha. Okay i do not want to write more. That's all.

- IKA -

Me, after one month in belhell

Holla, Ika here.
Meet me again. I want to share about belhell after in month we in the Teech class. I feel like excited but sometimes bored because too many assignments that Teech cause i'm late. That deserve for me. Haha. I have to sing little Indian. Like a child but it fun. Okay that is all from.
Till we meet again.

- IKA -

Test 1, WTH??

           Assalamualaikum guys! I promised to all of you to continue what happen to my Test 1,right? TEst 1?? WTH? what means by WTH? My partner in Test 1 is Lily..(my twin,heehehhe) Test 1 is about how we can find the different between c/c,s/r and o/o...

           Test 1, It is quite difficult to me actually. I thought  we should finish our assignment after midterm break but we must submit the assignment on Monday after break! WTH!! That means we need doing our assignment during holiday. OMG!  So, I and my partner should meet to finish the assignment. Thank God, I and my partner stay in same state which is Perak. We no need to THINK hardly to make the solution. I decide come to Lily's house.. We do it Test 1 together. Besides, TEECH also give the another assignment which is collecting 'Malaysian style' thinking...hahaha.. At the end, I and my partner finish the Test 1 with successful complete.. Alhamdulillah.. We hope we can score high mark on Test 1! Insyaallah...


Saturday 4 January 2014

Me, after one month in belHELL!


                Hello...hello..hello….. I’m back and welcome to 2014 guys! What??? After one month in BelHELL??? What can I say? Seriously, I really did not realize one month already I learned BelHELL... I though it was yesterday TEECH asked to introduce ourself...hahahhaa!

                I admit that BelHELL class is very amazing. I fell more excited and confident in the class... In the class I must become more energized because every morning we do some exercise.. We do warm up,massage each's very funny.. One month in BelHell also means we have to ready on our on-going assessment.. So, my TEST 1 is already started... All of you want know what happen in my TEST 1?? I will continued later.. Bye bye!!! See again!


Test 1, WTH?

      Test 1? About the argument tu? Oh no!!! I don’t want to think about that again. It makes my otak critical! But, I must tell you jugak kan. Okay, I will let you know about the first test. First I learn about the argument, my presumption it is easy je. But when I read the article in magazine, I start confused.WTH? Which one C/C? Which one S/R? Which one O/O? OMG. This test spoils my holiday! Every day I reread the article to find the C/C, S/R, and O/O. This forced me to think deeply.

      With my partner Qila, we do it slowly, under pressure okay! Skype!!? I don’t have Skype account before this. But for this test, I open it! Because distance we cannot met bertentangan mata. So we decide to Skype and discuss about this important test. We know we can. Yeah! Now I understand what is critical thinking. I must think out of the box and if I say it to Teech, I know what he will ask, "What box!?" kBye.


Me, after one month in #belHELL!


      Hello 2014. Intan here. After one month in #belHELL? I think I should change this title to ‘after 2 week mid semester break’ so I can story about my holiday. Hehe. Okay back to our topic, 'me, after one month in #belHELL'. 

      Honestly, I don’t expect to learn English in this way. It fun! I can eat karipap! Hehe. But sometime it can make me pressure! I have learned many things just in 4 week. Oh no! Not in 4 week but just in 24 hours (6 hours/week X 4 weeks). I hope I can improve my English in this #belHELL class.



Test 1? What the heck? Oh noooooo! Typical students life. Everytime we hear there's an upcoming test for sure we will feel that our life is almost over. It's like we're going to flunk the test. The task given was quite a hustle. We have to do the muscle. Everyone had chosen their own partner to do the assignment but I'm the 'lucky' person because I had to do it all by myself (kinda loner eh?). Despite that, the task given is quite complicated as we have to think deeper and see every and each word carefully. Every word has its own meaning and one particular word could change the whole sentence's meaning. This task is all about perfection and precise. Each and every detail has to be done correctly. Tough and challenging but won't cause fatal injuries. So THINK before you act. I hope that my friends and I could pass with flying colours. Wishing you all happy new year and may this year be more blessing. :)



HI..(^_^)..NurCahaya here..hehehe...About Test 1..actually its so critical to find  o/o s/r in article since the word so hard and we also hard to understand the meaning....if we delete one word it will change the meaning of same if we add other,very carefully we do this test until i sleep in my partner bad manners to me..hehehe..
thinking about test result i hope we can get a good marks...but if not get a good marks its also oke cause from this test we will know our weakness...we just make our best in test...ok...until here...daaaaaa...


Me,after one month in BELL HELL!!!!

HELLO HELLO...i'm here again in 2014..(^_^)..BEL???eeehhhmmm...after one month i finally found that thinking is not easy as i think..In BELHELL class, i still enjoy although its stress cause of emotional and critical thinking also test..hehehe..thanx to Teech make bel class so enjoy and now i try to change my thinking to make more critical..hahaha..oke2..stop here..we will see again..(^_^)...daaaaaaaa....hehehe..


Me, after one month in #belHELL!!!

Here I am once again, barely breathing after one month living in #belHELL. It seems like just last week was the first week. Time moves in a blink of an eye. Too quick too even the pace with it. One thing that #belHELL has thought me is to be a little bit more disciplined as I have to be more punctual when coming to class and handing in assignment on due. Who said English is easy as pie? Get your statements corrected. As I attend more to Teech's class, I realised that nothing in this world is easy if you apply zero effort. The quote 'no pain no gain' seems legit here. So keep calm and go on. That's all from me now.
