Saturday 7 December 2013

After two weeks in belHELL

Assalamualaikum..hola..after two weeks in belHELL…I’m enjoy myself with the ways of  process learning even though I know that this course just like other people said HELL and give high pressure and what so ever based on senior’s experience before. But, I hope that I can do it and give a good commitment during this sem. Insya- Allah……First activities we had is “Meet&Greet”. From this activities I have learned about a new tactic to attract people to speak each other. I think it same goes with” Ice breaking” but in difference ways cause we used to speak about others, not us. So that, we can remember each other. Then, I have learned about to think faster and positive reaction when to asking them questions also when answer the questions wisely. Even though the spirit of ‘bahan’ each other bursting.haha.. :D

During the class, I learned to be politeness such as always say the word “please, and thank you” when asking the questions and answer it. Not only that, that’s behavior we can used in our daily life which whatever we do we can say that words and others will respect us.. Other than that, self- confidence is crucial things when facing any tasks such as speaks in front and answers the questions wisely even our language broken. We study from the mistake and we learn  to improve it. 

However, the first week classes, first assigmnent given which is write an essay about personal life..haha..mcm2 taruk la..Based on experience..its about our life.. many story we can put in essay. And the task given is write an essay minimum 4 pages back and front. Ahaks! my first time to do a lot an essay.  I believe that after this weeks, extreme journey are prepared for us… so..kuat kan semangat!! Mental and physical too!! Hadapi dengan tabah dan redha…:') 

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