Sunday 15 December 2013

Expectation To Think..

Hello guys... wani here.. The previous class I learn about to think. At the class,teech show many photos.. From the photos I learn how to evaluate all those photo.. That make me get many expectation from see those photo. So, we can know whether we are good thinker or not.. Thinking for me is :

  • many expectation that will get in every condition
  • without any knowledge, we do no whether it become fact,opinion,true or false
  • we make a decision when we think under pressure and must think deeply
  • after we know something,we must do FACTCHECKING to know it is true or false 
  • the ways we think also put if we is thinker or not
  • become we as good thinker

All of this, what I think about think...heeheheh... That all from me today.. I will back soon...Bye!!!!!!



Assalamualaikum.. Holla Ika here again to tell about in the belHELL after three weeks. Everyone must think about what is THINK right?? Actually I'm also don't know what is THINK. But, I just know recently what is THINK. Thinking for me exactly are :

<3 Learn about something new to me
<3 Gain a new knowledge as much as u can
<3 Thinking with the fact.
<3 Don't talk about it if u do't know about it.
<3 Think rational or logic

Okay. Thats all from me that I know about THINK is. 


Think The Thinker

Hello guys. I'm back again. Talking about thinking. Hmm... Thinking for me is about having great knowledge about almost everything that exist in this beautiful world we live in. The word 'thinking' itself sounds so simple even to pronounce it but to tell the truth, it is not as simple as it may sound. Its true that we think mostly every moment but do we have tons of general knowledge? Can we answer every single question given appropriately? I don't know about you guys but one thing for sure is I really have a lot more to learn. Seeking for knowledge and experience in life. So, what I've learnt about thinking;

1. Do not think ambiguously.
2. Gain as much as knowledge you can.
3. Always do fact checking.
4. Avoid inferential leaps/jumping to conclusions.
5. No knowledge no talk.

That's all for now. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US ALL. #BelHELL



Assalamualaikum...yuhuu....i'm here...miss Qila.. :)

I would like to share what i have learn in the class on 13/12/2013... the issue is about think! to become a good thinker, the crucial thing is KNOWLEDGE. If we don't have enough knowledge, then we would make wrong choices. So...the ability and skills of thinking would make us creative and high quality in making decision. The skills are :

  • analyze the problems and situations.
  • concentrate and careful with the issue.
  • fact checking.
  • rational not under emotional.
So...when we have the skills we will be able to distinguish the fake and true statement. We also not easily to trust  the rumors and fooled. ok...that's all from me... tata... :)

- QILA -

Saturday 14 December 2013

I am a THINKER !!!

Holla.. I'm back ^_^
What is think? After belHell class 13/12/2013, for me think is:

-we should have knowledge about what we want to think before we think.  (Think! Think! Think! )

-we must think with facts. (Fact checking)

-we must think under pressure to avoiding argument

-we should think with rational and non-emotional


Think yourself !!! (^_^)

 Anneyonghaesayo….Blink Blink (reflect of Cahaya) come back again.(^_^)..hehehe..Today topic it's about think.. 
      As a thinker for me we should…:
@  think with fact@  not make inferential leaps@  not judge people at the first sight@  be professional@  avoiding argument
That' s what i think right now...happy holiday..(^_^)

_aida_ (^_^)

Sunday 8 December 2013


First of all, Assalamualaikum and YO !! Wassup Ika here.. Haha *sound like rappers. I would like to share my experience in BEL313 that needs me to have a critical thinking, I guess so. Pejam celik, we already pass two weeks in this class.. When I enter in the Teech class, I thought that we are playing a ''SEEKERS''.. Haha.. I think that this course its quite interesting and difficult. But that does not mean that I can't do it. I'm very hope that I get an A in this subject although peoples say that its difficult. 


After two weeks in #belHell

                  Assalamualaikum everyone, I'm wanie. First time I write a post in blog..hehehe..
After two weeks in belhell...Hmmmm, Actually I did not notice now two weeks I learn bel313. At the first time, I heard from other people that bel313 is quite difficult subject. When the first day Teech teach our class, I'm feel very afraid because I thought Teech is fierce person. But, I missed expectations when actually Teech is funny, nice and very dedication person. Besides,on the first class from 'Meet & Greet' session, I was learn everything from there. I learn how to be polite when ask and answer question,about humane attitude and most important we more get to know and respect each other. We doing any activities in the class.
                 I do not deny that bel313 is quite challenging subject. We will more communication each other. Furthermore, I'm not very 'fasih' in English but that does not mean I make it as weakness for me. I must be prepared mentally and physically as well. I hope,I will more self-confident and able to improve my language because I know in future many challenges ahead. From day to day I feel excited to learn critical thinking. So I hope I can score high marks and get A for bel313 (insyallah)....


After 2 weeks in belHell...

        Assalamualaikum...Cahaya here..hehe..after 2 weeks in "BELHELL" i learn a new thing..its so interesting..whatever people say about "BELHELL" i think its so different..maybe its because Teech use another style to teach...hehehe..Other than that, i learn how to polite with other people,..greet people..i got some courage when i speak english with my friend cause before this  i'm so shy when i speak english..So, i really hope i can speak well after this..Also, i learn a new ways to think faster and responding in kind...from the responding it will show the matured you are..
        So,i must prepared myself for this sem..maybe the "HELL" will come after this..hehehe..always positive and cheer everyday even though i will make mistake..sorry if i use broken english..tu je termampu..hehehe..


Saturday 7 December 2013

After two weeks in belHELL

Assalamualaikum..hola..after two weeks in belHELL…I’m enjoy myself with the ways of  process learning even though I know that this course just like other people said HELL and give high pressure and what so ever based on senior’s experience before. But, I hope that I can do it and give a good commitment during this sem. Insya- Allah……First activities we had is “Meet&Greet”. From this activities I have learned about a new tactic to attract people to speak each other. I think it same goes with” Ice breaking” but in difference ways cause we used to speak about others, not us. So that, we can remember each other. Then, I have learned about to think faster and positive reaction when to asking them questions also when answer the questions wisely. Even though the spirit of ‘bahan’ each other bursting.haha.. :D

During the class, I learned to be politeness such as always say the word “please, and thank you” when asking the questions and answer it. Not only that, that’s behavior we can used in our daily life which whatever we do we can say that words and others will respect us.. Other than that, self- confidence is crucial things when facing any tasks such as speaks in front and answers the questions wisely even our language broken. We study from the mistake and we learn  to improve it. 

However, the first week classes, first assigmnent given which is write an essay about personal life..haha..mcm2 taruk la..Based on experience..its about our life.. many story we can put in essay. And the task given is write an essay minimum 4 pages back and front. Ahaks! my first time to do a lot an essay.  I believe that after this weeks, extreme journey are prepared for us… so..kuat kan semangat!! Mental and physical too!! Hadapi dengan tabah dan redha…:') 

After two weeks in BelHELL...

Assalamualaikum.. After two weeks in BelHELL, I think I am really enjoy in this class with my classmate and you, teech. OMG, first time in my life I am feel excited giler to learn more about english. I hope I will improve my speaking skill with your help. At the first class, I was so afraid of you because you look like so garang giler. But at the time my turn to introduce my self in front of all my classmate and teech, I think I am really confident to speak even i am shy-shy cat. Thank you very much teech for being here to teaching and help me improve my english skill. i redha aje lah if kena buli. heee.. :)

We're alive,welcome to BelHell!

First of all, let us introduce ourselves. The first member of this group is Mohd Hasif Asyraf bin Mohd Hedzir. He is friendly, cheerful and easy to get along with a lot of people. The next person in this group is Wanie. Wanie is quite shy and humble, but nevertheless caring to the person around her. Intan is another shy girl member in the group, but she is also very punctual and not to mention hardworking! We move on to Qila, a loving young girl who is very focus when it comes to achieving her goals. Next, the person is Aida in our group.Happy and cheerful person although sometime she shy a little bit.Last but not least, we have Ika in the group who is pretty, cute and beautiful. Interesting members huh?

Five reasons why we are awesome? Continue reading to find out!

We all have high chemistry with each other and that makes us easy to cooperate as a team. Not to mention that each of our member has our own specialty. The fact that everyone is willing to put a very high commitment in our given task makes it easier for us to complete our given task. Last but not least we are all responsible and care about our work. 

Cheers from The Alliance!

After two weeks in BelHELL I find that this course is quite challenging but interesting at the same time. Teech is also very sporting. I'm willing to put high effort to have a good mark and grade for this subject as I already am making effort learning how to blog. I never had any experience in blogging (this is my first time). Getting an A is my target. Till then. 

; Mohd Hasif Asyraf bin Mohd Hedzir.